TDS QUICK CONCRETE B-20 449 Concrete mortar with accelerated setting time en
MSDS SELF-LEVELLING GROUT EXPRESS 419 Express self-levelling grout en
MSDS WYLEWKA SAMOPOZIOMUJĄCA ANHYDRYTOWA 200 Liquefied thick-layer anhydrite screed 20-60 mm en
TDS EXPRESS BETON B-50 447 Fast-setting, highly durable concrete mortar, reinforced with basalt fibers. en
MSDS QUICK CONCRETE B-20 449 Concrete mortar with accelerated setting time en
MSDS QUICK CONCRETE B-20 449 Concrete mortar with accelerated setting time en
TDS B30 445 QUICK-SETTING CONCRETE Quick-setting cement mortar en
MSDS EXPRESS BETON B50 447 Fast-setting, highly durable concrete mortar, reinforced with basalt fibers. en
MSDS EXPRESS BETON B-50 447 Fast-setting, highly durable concrete mortar, reinforced with basalt fibers. en
MSDS B30 445 QUICK-SETTING CONCRETE Quick-setting cement mortar en
MSDS B30 445 QUICK-SETTING CONCRETE Quick-setting cement mortar en
TDS CONCRETE B-30 446 Cement mortar, 30MPa en
TDS CEMENT GROUNDWORK M-15 441 Cement universal floor underlay 25-80 mm en
MSDS CONCRETE B-30 446 Cement mortar, 30MPa en
MSDS CONCRETE B-30 446 Cement mortar, 30MPa en
TDS BETON B-25 442 Cement screed 10-100mm en
MSDS CEMENT GROUNDWORK M-15 441 Cement universal floor underlay 25-80 mm en
TDS READY-CONCRETE POST MIX 448 A specialized, ready-mixed concrete mix for fastening fence posts. en
MSDS BETON B-25 442 Cement screed 10-100mm en
TDS FiX SPEED 421 Quick assembly mortar en
TDS ZAPRAWA WYRÓWNUJĄCA 428 Cement, universal from 2 to 50 mm en
MSDS READY-CONCRETE POST MIX 448 A specialized, ready-mixed concrete mix for fastening fence posts. en
MSDS FiX SPEED 421 Quick assembly mortar en
TDS MORTAR 451 Contact and anti-corrosive mortar in the concrete repair system en
MSDS GOTOWY BETON DO SŁUPKÓW 448 POST MIX A specialized, ready-mixed concrete mix for fastening fence posts. en
TDS ZAPRAWA 456 Repair mortar 5-50 mm in the concrete repair system en
MSDS ZAPRAWA WYRÓWNUJĄCA 428 Cement, universal from 2 to 50 mm en
TDS PLASTER 460 Repair finishing coat 1-10 mm in the concrete repair system en
MSDS MORTAR 451 Contact and anti-corrosive mortar in the concrete repair system en
TDS DAMP-PROOFING INJECTION LIQUID 900 Solution for performing injections in humid walls, also intended for impregnation. en
MSDS ZAPRAWA 456 Repair mortar 5-50 mm in the concrete repair system en
TDS RENOVATION RENDERING 910 Rendering coat in the KREISEL renovation plasters system en
MSDS PLASTER 460 Repair finishing coat 1-10 mm in the concrete repair system en
TDS FARBA ZOLO KRZEMIANOWA 092 Mineral paint with high vapor permeability en
TDS PRIMING RENOVATION PLASTER 920 Lime-cement base plaster in the KREISEL renovation plasters system. en
MSDS FARBA ZOLO KRZEMIANOWA 092 Mineral paint with high vapor permeability en
TDS RENOVATION PLASTER 921 Gray, lime-cement renovation plaster in the KREISEL renovation system en
MSDS DAMP-PROOFING INJECTION LIQUID 900 Solution for performing injections in humid walls, also intended for impregnation. en